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We have sponsored and held many National and World competitions 
on our courses.  Many National and World Champions have competed 
here at
Pasadena Slot Car Raceway. 

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Click on picture for  full view.

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to come back to this page.

Old timer comments:

I've been racing at P.A.'s for the past 15 years.  If you want to 
race successfully at any level, this is the place !  Our fearless 
leader can't stand mediocraty, so be prepared.

Feather Head - Mike Trefethera

It doesn't stop there.  From Champion to novice, we offer 
excitement and thrill of victory and defeat.

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The young , the old and any 
where in between enjoy the 
hobby and sport.

Family teams, Fathers and sons, 
Couples, and lets don't forget the 

We welcome anyone to help the drivers on the corners 
(and we don't even require you to take a class).

An unforgettable birthday party for the birthday boy and his friend.
These are memories that they will never forget and will treasure 
the rest of there lives.

Young customer:

I like slot car racing, it is fun.  I like big wing cars, on the big track.
My first race I won second place and got money and a ribbon.

Christopher Boyd (7 years old)

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You might even see a future 
member of the Hall of Fame 
or even a World Champion.





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