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Article from the Houston Chronicle

Dizzying speed
Pasadena Raceway to hold slot racing event today
This Weekend Correspondent
Motor sports started slot racing as a kid growing up.  "Especially if you've got a fast track to race on like we do know."
   Today's kids represent a new generation of would-be slot car racers.  Pasadena raceway is able to introduce the sport to anyone - young or old - interested in running slot cars.  The raceway sells and rents cars.
   Watson recommends those interested visit Pasadena raceway today to see the best racers around at their craft.  For those who would rather trigger the cars' 90mph speeds, Watson recommends easing into the hobby by visiting the track any afternoon or evening, Tuesdays through Sundays.  he said the Wednesday evening NASCAR races are particularly exciting to watch.
   With so much emphasis on speed, Watson said he considers the deliberate and detailed work that goes into building, tweaking and then racing the motorized mini-cars the most enjoyable aspects of slot racing.
   "I think the best thing about slot racing is it allows you to work with your hands and your mind at the same time," Watson said.  "With slot racing, you have to build your car, maintain it and drive it, too.  It takes a high degree of skill to race well, a high degree of concentration. It's very challenging on multiple levels."
   For more information on today's meet or slot racing, call Pasadena Speedway at (713) 946-2884.
ONE of the world's fastest race tracks is in the greater Houston area.
   It's situated in a suite, in a building located directly behind Almeda Mall on the city's southeast side.
   The best slot car racers in the state, nation and world are headed to Pasadena Raceway for the first meet of the Texas Slot Racing Association's 1997 season.
   P.A. Watson, owner of the track at 10100 Kleckley, said enthusiasts who race the six-inch, remote control-driven cars are expected to come from as far as South America for today's races.
   In the ultimate "if you build it, they will come" scenario, the racers are flocking to Houston to race the establishment's newest track, considered the fastest in the world by the United Slot Racers Association.
   Watson, a slot racing aficionado since childhood, said the hobby makes for a pretty good spectator sport for those who can keep up with its dizzying speeds.
   "It's better for spectators at the slower classes," Watson said. "In faster classes, the cars are traveling so fast its almost impossible to see them."
   So, just how fast is fast?  Watson set the world record two weeks ago on the seven-week-old Hasse Nilsson King Track 2000
course that Pasadena Raceway just added to its original wooden track.  His car traveled the full 155-foot length in 1.6 seconds.
   Watson has owned Pasadena raceway - formerly located in Pasadena, thus the name - for 18 years and shares administrative duties at the track with his wife, Kathleen, who has been known to run a mean slot car in her day.
   Few would be as accomplished as her husband, though.  Watson is the only four-time national champions in the sport and also has three world professional titles.
  But Watson said more than 100 skilled slot drivers will be taking their best runs at his world record time today.  Those racers made the trek from California, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington and even Brazil to try the custom-made track.
   At least one hails from the Houston area.  John Mann is a regular at Pasadena Raceway and happened upon the track one day while fetching a barbecue dinner for his wife.  Today he'll be going after the best times in the race classes he favors, NASCAR and GTP, 1/24-scale replicas of their full-sized namesakes.
  "Once you get into it, there's a place to race, you'll always come back," said Mann, who also 

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